Giving birth to a child is not easy at all especially if the mother is suffering from post-natal depression or if she has gone through C-section. These type of conditions make it quite vulnerable for the new mothers to handle their new born babies. In such cases hiring a maternity nurse is very essential like if you are living in Dubai then you will find a number of well known companies which are offering professional private nurse in Dubai. Appointing a nurse for this purpose is quite beneficial for the new mothers.
In this article we will discuss some of the main duties of a maternity nurse so that you would get some relevant information regarding this aspect. In this way you will be able to hire the best suitable nurse for your baby.
Help and teach daily activities
It is quite tricky and difficult to handle a newborn baby and perform his daily activities like changing clothes, bathing, comforting, cleaning, breastfeeding in Dubai and much more. For this purpose a maternity nurse plays a very important role. She is quite experienced and know every technique to perform all these activities. In this way the new mother is able to learn all those techniques and on the other hand she also feel relaxed as an expert person is handling her baby in the most appropriate way.
Give advices about hygiene
A newborn baby is quite sensitive in terms of immunity so for this purpose the mother should be very cautious. She must take good care of the baby’s hygiene like the baby must have proper bath daily, ears and nose should be properly cleaned, nails should be trimmed and most importantly the diaper should be changed frequently. A maternity nurse is responsible to give the best advices regarding all these activities so that the mother would not face any difficulty.
Allow the mother to rest
In severe delivery cases especially in surgery, the mother becomes quite weak and lethargic. It becomes impossible for her to handle her newborn baby so in such situations hiring a maternity nurse becomes quite essential. A maternity nurse is well experienced and she knows that how to handle a newborn infant in the best possible way. This will allow the mother to relax and recover from her severe condition, meanwhile her newborn baby will also be handled by an expert professional.